The Secret Millionaire…this is the best show on television right now! If you were to watch this with spiritual eyes, you would see that God is at work on primetime ABC!

While walking around Skid Row, the millionaire meets a handsome young man named Amin. In his late teens, Amin’s girlfriend became pregnant. Because he brought shame to his family, Amin’s father made him move out of the family home. Amin had no choice but to live in his vehicle on the streets. He said the thing he remembered most about that time was the cold. After a time, Amin became a hat designer and was fortunate enough to have his own shop. Every Wednesday Amin goes to Skid Row with clothes and hygiene kits to hand out to the homeless. The clothes have been donated by others, but Amin spends $500.00 out of his own pocket to purchase the supplies to make the hygiene kits.
One day the millionaire is helping Amin hand out clothes and hygiene kits. A man with a walker feebly makes his way by them to check out the supply of clothing. Amin notices that the man’s shoes are covered with excrement. Without batting an eye, Amin takes off his own shoes and gives them to the man with the walker. The millionaire is moved to tears; he doesn’t understand this unselfish act. He questions Amin about it. Amin simply says, “We all have too much.” He says he remembers being very cold when he was on the streets and that if he hadn’t experienced that himself, he wouldn’t be helping people on Skid Row today.
For several years, our family did mission work in Mexico. One of the many memories I have of that time was arriving home, pulling into the driveway and feeling so ashamed of having so much. I would ask God to write the words of Luke 12:48 on my heart so that I would never forget them…
…much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.
I have seen the kind of unselfish act Amin displayed many times before on the mission field. I’ve seen kids give away their most prized possessions, adults giving away their own Bibles, coats, money, and yes their own shoes. I am always humbled at the sight of it. But where does an act of love so pure come from? I wondered if Amin knew my Jesus. I wanted to believe he did, for Romans 1:19-20 says, For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.
The millionaire, John Ferber, went to Skid Row to find out how he could help with the financial needs of the organizations who are trying to provide assistance for the homeless there; and he did. If I remember right, he gave away about $100,000 in cash, and a van-load of toys, sleeping bags, tools, etc. He also helped Amin establish a nonprofit organization that will allow him the opportunity to do even more. I suspect, however, that Mr. Ferber took with him so much more than he gave to the people of Skid Row. Obviously he was moved to compassion by the conditions he found himself in, by the people he met, and by the determination and dedication of those who are working against all odds to help the homeless, but I don’t think his heart was truly broken until he met a man who was willing to give the shoes off his own feet to one who had none.
I cannot say if Mr. Ferber is a Christian, he did not allude to that in this episode, but I do believe this…whether he knew it or not, God was revealing Himself through the poor, through the lame, through the hungry, and through a young man named Amin.
I was hungry, and you fed Me. I was thirsty, and you gave Me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited Me into your home. I was naked, and you gave Me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for Me. I was in prison, and you visited Me…when you did it to one of the least of these, you were doing it to Me. Matthew 25:35-40
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