Sometime before Christmas, I was cleaning out my closet and found a little picnic-style basket that had once held a child's tea set; I kept it because it was just too sweet to throw away. In it I put some sewing cards and yarn. The next time Addie Grace came to spend the night, I presented her with her own sewing basket and told her it was time she learned to sew.

I began to teach her how to tie a knot, how to weave the yarn in and out of the sewing cards to form "stitches" and how to finish off the yarn on the backside of the card. I was sure she would get bored easily and want to quit, but she loved it. So much so that she finished all five of them! By the time she completed the third card, she was tying her own knots and finishing the backside of the card all by herself. She was so proud, she insisted that I take her picture after she completed each one.
Addie Grace is a very fast learner. I have a feeling it won't be long before she is ready to take the next step in sewing. It will be so much fun to be able to share this part of my life with her.
Having a similar experience with my grandmother has left me with precious memories, but none can compare to the memory of sharing something with my own granddaughter that generations of women in my family have learned from each other. I pray that we will have many more times of sewing and sharing together and that these memories will be as precious to my Addie Grace as they are to me. Thank You, Lord, for I am sew blessed!

I began to teach her how to tie a knot, how to weave the yarn in and out of the sewing cards to form "stitches" and how to finish off the yarn on the backside of the card. I was sure she would get bored easily and want to quit, but she loved it. So much so that she finished all five of them! By the time she completed the third card, she was tying her own knots and finishing the backside of the card all by herself. She was so proud, she insisted that I take her picture after she completed each one.
Addie Grace is a very fast learner. I have a feeling it won't be long before she is ready to take the next step in sewing. It will be so much fun to be able to share this part of my life with her.
Having a similar experience with my grandmother has left me with precious memories, but none can compare to the memory of sharing something with my own granddaughter that generations of women in my family have learned from each other. I pray that we will have many more times of sewing and sharing together and that these memories will be as precious to my Addie Grace as they are to me. Thank You, Lord, for I am sew blessed!