Friday, March 16, 2012

Not long ago, while perusing Pinterest, I ran across a blog on Random Acts of Christmas Kindness.  It got me to thinking that there's no reason why we can't (and shouldn't) perform random acts of kindness every day, even if it's just opening a door for someone.  I would really like to incorporate this in our homeschool schedule.  I'm thinking that maybe once a week, we could purpose to practice a random act or two while on our way to appointments or running errands.
I've found it's the little things people appreciate the most.  It's very common for us to rally around someone who is ill, having surgery, or has just lost a loved one. What seems to be UN-common is doing little things for people "just because". 

The hope is that what what we sow in love we will reap in love.

I thought it would be fun to have you help us come up with a list of random acts that would be fun and inspirational to share with others.  I have included a link to the post I mentioned so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about here.  If you happen to be participating in an activity like this already, I hope you will share your stories with us.  If not, I hope this will inspire you to get your own family involved in reaching out to others through random acts of kindness.


  1. I kind of go out of my way to do this on a regular basis. The other day I was in a breakfast place and bought breakfast for a group of senior living folks and their nurse/aids. I didn't tell anyone but their waitress and left before she could tell them. I feel a little weird sharing it now due to the "left hand right hand thing."

    While I have compassion for those and other people, it is the compassion placed there by God. I do it before Him because it was His will, not mine. That's why I like to cut out before anyone knows. I do that sometimes for people I see pray before a meal too...

  2. It's good to hear from you, Floyd!

    I, too, have done the things you mentioned and have received much joy from it. Moi has been raised to hold the door open for people and to be generally polite and helpful. I think what we are talking about here is a purposeful/planned "project" (for lack of a better word); spending time coming up with ideas, preparing for, and purposing to bless someone this week.

    Someone on Facebook mentioned handing out $5 Starbuck's gift cards for a great cup of coffee with a note that says, "Jesus loves you, have a blessed day!" I saw on Pinterest a while back, a little bag of Reeces' Pieces with a note that said, "Jesus loves you to pieces!"

    Great ideas!
